Sourdough is a mixture of water, flour, and salt that is set to ferment spontaneously for a set time at a regulated temperature.
At BBROOD we make our own sourdough. The mixture is left to ferment for 20 hours. Afterward, it is mixed with the new dough. this gives it time to rise and develop a natural taste and aroma.
Our Sourdough Bread is baked in a stone floor oven, giving it a specific structure, flavor, and taste, creating a delicious crispy crust.
Time, attention, love and natural ingredients of the highest quality. Our experienced bakers are trained in the Netherlands and bake our bread with joy. The result: real tasty bread we are proud of!
Our loaves are enjoyed best if consumed within 3 days of purchase and best stored in a dark environment at room temperature. Keeping your loaves in the fridge is not advisable
Tip: Store your loaf in the freezer directly after purchase and defrost portions as needed!
Sourdough proofs by natural process but yeast-based bread proofs by use of yeast and aditives.
The structure of sourdough is rough and uneven, while yeast bread is smooth and soft.
Main Bakery HQ
Plot 109A Namuwongo Road
(+256) 700155527
(+256) 700155501
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Main Bakery HQ
Plot 109A Namuwongo Road
+256 700155527